Thursday 23 August 2012

So easily distracted

We are so easily distracted. like kids.

One moment we are praising God and thanking Him for His goodness, and another moment later we find ourselves entertaining thoughts of unworthiness, thoughts of despair, thoughts of negativity, thoughts that are obliviously ungodly and we forgot to ask ourselves hey why are we even entertaining them in the first place. But instead we let our mind and and body do what we don't want to most of the time.

And we thank God again on Sunday or Saturday, forgetting how we have behaved during the weekends.

And how long do we want to do behave like this? Until He comes back to judge? I dare not think.

Perhaps some of us needs to wake up our idea, and open our eyes to see that we need to live more consistently in our condition of our heart and not letting it rule us but overcome it everyday with the New Spirit that lives within us. I feel so bad, because every time I give in to a negative thought I almost felt that I am suffocating the Spirit that I have invited to live in me. It almost felt like I have been ill treating Him living inside me.

Perhaps what I am struggling is not just a mere laziness, but a peace-less state within myself of how I am living that I find it hard to come before Him. Yet I must, and the longer I procrastinate the longer I delay His work of His will that I am suppose to live out in my life and I missed out the daily work and calling that He has for me simply because "I am away" or "not around".

I personally experience the lost and the pain of the consequences for "not being there" when I know I could have, should have...for somebody. But I was not there. And things happened. And there and then I experienced what you do with your calling is never about you alone.

This is when I realize that it is NOT OK to missed out on God's calling, not even a single day. Because you would not know which day you would make a difference, or MISSED making one. And in exchange devil took your place and seize the opportunity to grab more souls.

IT IS a scary thought isn't it?

Therefore, it should not be out of fear, but in reverse out of a Determined Courage that we continue to live everyday CONSISTENT, INTACT always with our calling, dreams, vision and most importantly a walk with God that is Godly in our every aspect of life, thought life especially. Trust God everyday to keep us strong.

Let "i can't" die with Christ, and let Jesus' friend "I can" take over you every thought, every fear, every anxiety, and let Faith run rampantly in your walk with God.

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