Monday 25 June 2012

Adding your own writing gmail account into Group Blog

Step One – Inviting yourself

Log in with hisgardeners gmail account àClick on hisgardeners blog àSettings à Basicà Invite Authors
Key in your own writing gmail account into the rect box à Click Invite à Log out of his gardeners account from gmail 
àthen log into your own gmail account, check for email and click the link to accept invitation

 àGo to My Blogs and do the same for ALL THREE blogs

 heisevident is for testimonies
 teachmewog is for keeping all the resources, media of the word of God

Step Two – Set your Own Blog Display Name

You should see your own writing account in the list of authors àclick on blogger profile (situated at the top right hand corner where you see your profile pic) àClick Edit Profile àSet your display name

Step Three – Set your OWN email account access rights to “Admin”

Log out of you own account àlog in with hisgardeners gmail account à Setting à Basic à Change your own writing account from “Author” to “Admin”

 àGo to My Blogs and do the same for ALL THREE blogs

PS: If you do not change the access rights, you realise you will not be able to see the “pages”or edit the pages when you log into your own writing account.

Happy Blogging!

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