Monday 9 July 2012

His Promise

I love the idea of our blog's skin template which has simple designs of Dandelion on the upper right side of our blog. I later found out that the floral meaning of the dandelion is that it is a gift to a loved one that will provide happiness and is a promise of total faithfulness, with the floral meaning of the dandelion, they give it out to show their faithfulness to their partner.

Dear God, Journey of His Gardeners blog is a dedication to You our Lord.. to show our faithfulness to You like the faithful bride that we are called to be. Lord, we pray that this blog would be a inspiration and light to others. God, in the times of trouble we will look right up to You because Jesus You're the Promise, the Promise of Happiness, Peace and Total Faithfulness. We love You and all in the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

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