Monday 9 July 2012

We're His Precious Sea-glasses

We all have experienced hurt, pain and brokenness. Faces many setbacks, disappointments .. heart shattered. I struggled so much with my past .. and I believe there are many people out there who are also struggling with their past.

The above image, the little 'bottle' holds pieces of seaglass, the little 'bottle' signifies God's heart holding our little hearts dearly to His heart.

Definition - Shattered Glass Becomes Sea Glass when:
- A piece of glass has been tumbled by natural wave action to the point where there are no sharply-defined edges or corners, and natural action of elements in the water along with sunlight and tumbling action have produced a unique frosted or etched surfacecovering all sides of the glass.
We're all like Sea-glass. Sea-glass is formed when broken glass is tumbled in the ocean and sand for decades. We were all like shattered, broken glasses broken deep inside but as we are embrace by God's grace(the ocean and sand) His Love, Word and power heals our broken soul. He smoothens our sharp edges till its round and frosty like a beautiful genuine sea-glass. Every piece of His creation is precious, unique and one of a kind in His eyes.
Thank You God for embracing and turning our broken shattered hearts to beautiful sea-glasses that shines, that shines through Christ.
Let's overcome, reconcile, accept the past hurts through Christ and know today that the hurts of our past came to make us stronger and better. He’s the ultimate healer and He restores. Let the setbacks of our past be the setup for an amazing future as we charge forth on this journey with Jesus!

2 Corinthians 5:17
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

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