Sunday 15 July 2012

These Dreams..Under My Pillow.

 Well.. it all started with this indie song, yes.. yours truly is an indie fan!

Oh Land White Nights Lyrics

Has it been a day or a week?
As my eyes began to close
I am walking in my sleep
Living in a state inbetween
Do the signs begin to show
See the eyes fare in the dark
As they Glow

These dreams under my pillow
In the twilight of these white nights
these dreams under my pillow
In the bright light of these white nights
Of these white nights ..

Something is about to be born
There's a restlessness in me
Keeps me up until the dawn
There is no silence
I will keep following the sirens
There is no silence
I will keep following the sirens

The highlighted part of the lyrics caught me .. as I sing along.. "Something is about to be born, There's a restlessness in me Keeps me up until dawn.. There is no silence I will keep following the sirens..."

I felt His strength in me to pursue my dreams.. Dear God, let my spirit search diligently for Your voice.. as I sought Your leading. I will keep following Your voice... Lord Jesus, I know You will open the way if its .. Your will for me. Thankful for the restlessness that keeps me up. Lord, I pray that I will follow Your heart, Your dreams for me. I will search diligently .. I will keep following You..Jesus. I pray all with great expectation and great hopes all in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Psalm 77:6

6 I call to remembrance my song in the night; with my heart I meditate and my spirit searches diligently:

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